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In April 2024, after almost ten years of closure, the Château de Sainte-Sévère reopened its doors, marking the start of an ambitious project to transmit and share this exceptional heritage. 
To revive this heritage, the La Maison d'Edmée association was created, inspired by the values ​​of courage, integrity and justice embodied by Edmée de Mauprat, heroine of George Sand's novel. The members of the association are determined to defend and promote the beauty and history of the castle.

By joining the association, you become more than just a volunteer: you become a real heritage player!  Developing activities of general interest of a cultural nature, contributing to the cultural, historical, scientific and artistic influence around heritage, such is the mission of the castle association. Involvement in the association remains completely free depending on your available time!

Your commitment to the association gives you access to preferential rates on certain events, a cap in the colors of the association, and an exclusive invitation to an annual banquet at the castle. Membership covers the end of 2024 as well as the entire year 2025.​

If you are interested in the castle, its history and the heritage it represents, become a heritage player by joining our Association La Maison d'Edmée.

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